From Transportation:
As of Monday, Sept. 26, we will have ALL regular drivers back behind the wheel! ALL bus routes should be back to normal.

The X-country meet for today, 9/22, is canceled.
Soccer practice is also canceled.

All practices for tonight,9/20, are canceled.

There will be no Darlene's bus this morning, Tues., Sept. 20th. Please plan on transporting your child/ren. A driver will run Darlene's route after doing his run to pick up any students that had no ride.

From Transportation:
There will be a double up of Buddy's bus Sept. 12-15
Expect delays.

There will be a double up of Buddy's bus this afternoon. There may be delays.

From Transportation:
There will be an unexpected double up of buses this afternoon. There will be NO Buddy's bus. Buses will be delayed. You may want to pick your child/ren up . This will also be the case on Friday.

Last 2 days!!
Tomorrow is Field Day. Students will be outside in the morning RAIN OR SHINE. There will be a few water relays where students WILL get wet. Please wear appropriate clothing, rain jackets, shoes they don’t mind getting wet, and an extra change of clothes they can change into.
Tuesday is our Awards Day. Awards for grades PreK-2 will be at 9:00 followed by Awards for grades 3-6 at 10:00. Students will be dismissed at 11:30. Bag lunches will be offered.
The staff at HES wishes everyone a wonderful (and safe ) summer vacation.
Please remember Title 1 Summer School begins July11 - August 4, Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 12:00. (Lunches will be served.)

"Shoot 🏀 for a Cure" tomorrow! Sponsored by the
HES Student Council.
$5.00 to participate! Each class will have a winner!

From transportation...
We will double up today Friday May 27 PM . NO Buddy's bus. Darlene will take Buddy's students except Ronie will take. (Mill Street, Main Street, West Street, Center Street).
Expect delays as we might have to do a double bus run.🚌

From transportation...
We will double up on Tuesday May 24 and Friday May 27 PM only. NO Buddy's bus. Darlene will take Buddy's students except Ronie will take. (Mill Street, Main Street, West Street, Center Street).

We have a busy week ahead of us HES! 💚
We have Phys. Ed all this week. Sneakers are a must, no sandals or flip-flops.
Tues. - Tonight is EdGE's Family Fun Night.
District Budget Meeting tonight at NJSHS
Wed.- The last afternoon of EdGE today.
We will host the District School Board meeting tonight
Thurs.- Our Spring Concert is tonight at 6:00! Students will bring home their T-shirts and should be in their classrooms at 5:45.
Fri.- Grades 3 & 4 will go to NJSHS this morning for the Memorial Day Program.
Grade 5 & 6 will travel to Portland for a visit to the Gulf of Maine Research Institute.
Grade 1 will travel to "Hogwarts" today.
Maine Outdoor School will be here for Pre-K -Gr.2.

Good News! There is NO double up of Buddy's bus today!

This week at HES...
We will be doing NWEA testing. It is important your student be here everyday and be well-rested. Thank-you!
Wednesday, 5/18, we will have a double up of Buddy and Darlene's PM run. Expect delays.
Title 1 Family Night is Wednesday, 5/18 4:00-5:00.
Thursday morning there is a , 5/19, G/T students have a field trip.
Friday, 5/20, we have the Maine Outdoor School for Grades 3-6. This is a rain or shine day.

On Friday May 6, Buddy's bus will return to transport students both AM/PM.

There will be NO Buddy's bus the rest of the week.

More from transportation...
We are faced with another bus driver out, parents should expect delays for both AM and the PM runs. The plan will most likely involve NO Buddy's bus for either the AM and PM. Parents may find it easier to transport this week. Ronie's PM run will most likely need to be doubled up.

From Transportation…
Starting Monday, 4/25, we have two drivers out all week.
AM runs:
No change, we have sub drivers available to cover.
PM runs:
Ronie: From HES, and load regular run PLUS Mill Street, North Street, and Sacarap.
Darlene: HES to load regular run and the rest of Buddy's (ALL of Main Street, Wilson District, West Street, Center Street, Webb District.)

There is a double up on Buddy's bus today, 12/16. Students living on Mill Str., lower Main Str. and North Main Str. will ride Ronie's bus. Please excuse any delays

EdGE is cancelled today, 1/12, due to road conditions.