hawks win

Week of October 30-November 3, 2023

 *It is Phys. Ed. Week- please remember sneakers.

*Please return Soccer & Cross-Country Uniforms.

*Please do not send stuffed animals or toys to school.

*Drop off is after 7:30 and pick up is at 2:25- no one should be on the grounds before waiting before 2:00.

Monday:  Ms. Ray’s 6th Grade ELA Trip 

Tuesday:  Trunk or Treat for Students- set up after 8:30, starts at 10:00

Early Release at 11:30 (No EdGE After-School Program)

Students may wear appropriate Halloween costumes- absolutely no weapons or extreme blood.

Wednesday:  Candy is not a snack! Please limit what your child brings to school.

Friday:  Quarter 1 Grades Close