February 28, 2024
Feb. 27 Pee wee practices begin: Boy’s 2:30-4:00, Girl’s 4:00-5:30, Cheering 4:30-6:00
Feb. 27 Bikes for Books continues through April 10

November 20, 2023
Congratulations to Mrs. Strout and Grade 4! They successfully solved the state Chickadee Jumble and are new members of the Secretary of State’s Chickadee Club! They were awarded ...

September 8, 2023
Friday’s are Spirit Wear Days! Wear red for a chance to win a certificate for a free pizza!

December 14, 2022
Such a fun day at DWM with lots of shopping for family members and classroom parties! Students sang, danced, played games, exchanged gifts and ate lots of goodies too! Thank you ...

December 13, 2022
The DWM Family wishes you all the Happiest of Holidays and a very Merry Christmas!

December 9, 2022
Thank you to Ms. Markley and Grade 4 for making our sign look so festive!

December 7, 2022
Congratulations to all of our Geography Bee participants! Everyone did an excellent job. The winner was Kooper Guptill and the runner-up was Brady Emerson! Thank you to Mrs. Gra...

November 11, 2022
The D.W. Merritt School Family appreciates and honors our veteran’s today and everyday! Thank you for your service!

October 29, 2022
Thank you to Ms. Markley and Grade 4 for decorating our outdoor classroom and the school sign! Awesome job!