
RSU 37 Parental Notice Regarding Student Participation in Local and State Assessments    

State law requires school districts to use multiple assessment methods to measure student achievement of the Maine Learning Results.  Some districts employ standardized testing as on e of the multiple methods for measuring student achievement and for gathering information to improve the instructional program for the district, school, and individual students.

The Federal Elementary & Secondary Education Act (*ESEA) also has laws that require the State to develop and administer a system of standardized testing to determine the progress schools are making to ensure that all students are meeting the Maine Learning Results.  It is also required that school administrative units ensure that 95% of their students participate in the State’s assessment system.

In RSU 37, student progress is monitored continually in the district throughout the year using the following methods:

  • Teacher’s daily observations
  • Criterion-referenced tests
  • Work samples
  • Standardized testing:  Standardized testing of students helps teachers and schools gather data that informs instruction and assesses student growth.  It is important that all students be in attendance at the time of the testing.

The ESEA requires school districts to notify parents that they have the right to request policies, procedures, or information regarding student participation in LOCAL and STATE assessments.  Please visit our district website at www.msad37.me, click on Parent Portal for a chart showing the tests/assessments used by our district and visit our policy section of our web site to view ILA Tests & Assessments policy. 


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Ronald C. Ramsay

Superintendent of Schools